Creativity Coaching

What prevents you from living the creative and purpose-focused life you promised yourself?

The answer isn’t always obvious. Sometimes it’s buried beneath layers of story we tell ourselves. Stories about what we should do. About what we can’t do and what there is no time for.

I can help you shift the stories. You can keep the promise you made to yourself. Let’s design a foundation on which to build habits that support your physical and mental health. Habits that spark creativity. We’ll reawaken your sense of purpose by visiting the values important to you. It’s time to stop pondering what could be. It’s time to get off the couch.

Although I’m new to coaching I’m not new to life. In fact I’m in my third act. My best act. I’m a student of yoga, a writer, an artist and now – I’m a coach.

My life, like yours, has been a roller coaster filled with the good, the bad and the unexpected. For example, I didn’t expect to leave California in 1994 for a decade-long adventure in Donegal, Ireland. It was there I learned to use a chop saw to make pine furniture. It was there I became a sports massage therapist and ran my own business. But I struggled in Ireland and it was there I learned the meaning of resilience. I survived my struggles. The empathy shown by neighbors and friends helped me find my way back home. It’s something I’ve never forgotten.

At home, I didn’t expect to build a career working with underserved individuals living with chronic pain. The lessons I learned in Ireland taught me to facilitate yoga, writing and craft classes with joy and compassion.

Coaching came into my life eight years ago as a track I could take while earning my masters in transpersonal psychology. But the timing was off and I put coach training on hold. The door re-opened in 2019 and I began my studies with International Coach Academy.

Your walk through life should express who you are with authenticity and purpose. Let’s work together to bring clarity and color back into your life.

Together we have a menu of creative options to build the coaching environment that works best for you. We might spend our time together focused on pure coaching or we might blend coaching with yoga, writing or craft. The length of each coaching session varies depending on the path we choose.

Book a free 30-minute Discovery Session today.

Email me at

When I started coaching with Mimm, I was transitioning onto a new, uncertain path. I had had success in the past, but my confidence was low, I had impostor syndrome, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, and I was fearful of the unknown. With Mimm’s guidance, I became more aware of the underlying beliefs that limited me and how I can shift my perspective. I am becoming more comfortable with the uncomfortable and accomplishing goals. My productivity is improved, while allowing myself time for work/life harmony. And I am learning to be more compassionate toward myself and where I am on my path. This has increased my productivity and ability to optimize my time and prioritize my activities.
